Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Good Morning Readers: 
The April moon is known by many names indicative of the season. Spring is upon us and with it the hopes and dreams of abundance. Today the moon remains in the Waxing Crescent phase at 14% of full. As the moon builds its  fullness we also see our intentions build coming to their height on the full moon. Today, though we are void of course from 10:25 am to tomorrow at 9:23 when the moon enters Gemini. Light and lover dear readers and until tomorrow, Blessed Be.
Egg Moon 
The full moon of April. Also known as the pink moon. Both names indicate the sprouting of seed and the explosion of bright beauty found in the phlox (pink) and other flowers rising for the spring debut.
Waxing Crescent
The word crescent refers to the phases where the moon is less than half illuminated. The word gibbous refers to phases where the moon is more than half illuminated. Waxingessentially means “growing” or expanding in illumination, and waning means “shrinking” or decreasing in illumination.
Void of Course
A planet is said to be void of course when it is not aspecting any other planet. The term void of course is usually applied to the moon and refers to the period of time when the moon is no longer aspecting any planets in the last sign it was in but has not aspected any planets in the sign it will go into next. This void of course period may last only a few minutes or it may last several hours to a day. During this time the moon is still technically in the previous sign, but its effect is muted.
According to the definition of Void of Course which has been used since Medieval times, the void of course period begins as soon as the moon completes its final aspect with any planet in the sign it is passing through and ends the moment the moon aspects a new planet.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
It is a bit of a chilly this morning in the midwest. note I did not say it was cold.. after all we passed the Sping Equinox, therefore in my mind unless there is fluffy white stuff on the ground it is not cold but simply chilly.My daughter and I had quite a debate about this very thing over our morning coffee. At any rate the Pink Moon continues to travel through the Waning Crescent phase encouraging us to make plans for warmer weather, Today at 6:40 am the moon entered Taurus giving us a sense of stability and lending power to long term projects. Light and love dear readers and until tomorrow Blessed Be.
Pink Moon:
The early Native Americans did not record time by using the months of the Julian or Gregorian calendar. Many tribes kept track of time by observing the seasons and lunar months, although there was much variability. For some tribes, the year contained 4 seasons and started at a certain season, such as spring or fall. Others counted 5 seasons to a year. Some tribes defined a year as 12 Moons while others assigned it 13. Certain tribes that used the lunar calendar added an extra Moon every few years, to keep it in sync with the seasons.
Each tribe that did name the full Moons (and/or lunar months) had its own naming preferences. Some would use 12 names for the year while others might use 5, 6, or 7; also, certain names might change the next year. A full Moon name used by one tribe might differ from one used by another tribe for the same time period, or be the same name but represent a different time period. The name itself was often a description relating to a particular activity/event that usually occurred during that time in their location.
Colonial Americans adopted some of the Native American full Moon names and applied them to their own calendar system (primarily Julian, and later, Gregorian).
Waxing Crescent:
When the moon is waxing, the sunlit part we can see is growing. During a waxing crescent, we can see only a small section on the right that is shaped like a crescent.  You can remember which is waxing and which is waning becausewaxing rhymes with relaxing, and the first letter of relaxing is R, which starts the word right, the lit up side.Three and a half days after to seventh day. The Moon appears to be partly but less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon’s disk that is illuminated is increasing.
Positive activities:
Gathering information; Making plans; Laying a Foundation; Emotions; Start of change. This is a time of regeneration. Anything you do to strengthen your body, to fortify yourself, is much more effective that when the moon is waxing. The body absorbs more easily…both good and bad.
Gathering resources / information needed for your goals. Relates to the gathering of food by the seeds, so initial plans and actions, starting small, are now happening.
Moon in Taurus: 
With the Moon in the sign of Taurus, you are likely to have an innate need for security and comfort. Taurus is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible, material aspects of life. You are likely to find that you relate easily to the physical plane, and find much comfort in what you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. Taurus is also a Fixed sign, implying constancy, patience, and perseverance. This suggests that you will by drawn to circumstances which are predictable, concrete and well-established. Preferring to know the ground upon which you stand, you are likely to seek the comfort of tangible outcomes, as well as the security of knowing what can or cannot be maintained.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
The time of the Pink Moon is upon us, the official start of Spring, with the Waxing Crescent mirroring the expectant excitement and energy  of these days. In addition, the moons zodiac gives power to new beginnings. while in Aries, finish up any planning by 6:51 pm when we will be void-of-course. Tomorrow at 6:40 am the moon will enter Taurus giving a stable power to our intentions. Light and Love Dear Readers & Blessed Be
Pink Moon:
April’s Moon, the Pink Moon embodies  the appearance of the moss pink or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.
Waxing Crescent:
A waxing crescent moon – sometimes called a young moon – is always seen in the west after sunset.
At this moon phase, the Earth, moon and sun are located nearly on a line in space. If they were more precisely on a line, as they are at new moon, we wouldn’t see the moon. The moon would travel across the sky during the day, lost in the sun’s glare.
Moon in Aries:moon-in-zodiacal-sign-aries
a New Moon in Aries heralding in a powerful new start. This is also the start of a new year in Astrology, the zodiac always begins with Aries.
This New Moon is truly a new birth of life, inspiration and ideas. It is energetically connected to the womb of evolution, like a butterfly coming out of its chrysalis. The earth is changing now all around us as it wakes for the Spring, we are also waking up to what we need to do to grow and move on in our lives.
The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us. Aries is the warrior so find your inner spiritual warrior who will guard your back and help keep you focused on your destiny. And don’t be afraid to step in and defend people, places or anyone who can’t help themselves. Find the kind of warrior energy you carry and bring it to the surface.
The Moon makes no aspects while in transition of changing signs. The occult energies are “open” to any conditions. A Void Of Course Moon is often active during restored scenes, residual playbacks or time warps.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Symbology in Pagan and Christian Cultures

Religious traditions across the globe prove that what is old is new again,Spiritual practices, traditions and symbology of the Ostara-WWW-1998Northern hemisphere reflect  broad themes  of rebirth and renewal reinvented from the ancient  Spring festivals to modern Christian practices borrowing heavily from the same myths, traditions and symbology.
Gilbert Murray in Five Stages of Greek Religion writes about the passion behind the Greek celebration of Easter:
Anyone who has been in Greece at Easter time, especially among the more remote peasants, must have been struck by the emotion of suspense and excitement, with which they wait for the announcement, “Christos aneste,” “Christ is risen!” and the response “Alethos aneste,” “He has really risen!” [An old peasant woman] explained her anxiety: “If Christ does not rise tomorrow we shall have no harvest this year.” We are evidently in the presence of an emotion and a fear which, beneath its Christian colouring and, so to speak, transfiguration, is in its essence — a relic from a very remote pre-Christian past.
The common themes of rebirth and resurrection countlessly reinvented for new generations.
In ancient Rome, the 10-day rite in honor of Attis, son of the great goddess Cybele, began on March 15th. A pine tree, which represented Attis, was chopped down, wrapped in a linen shroud, decorated with violets and placed in a sepulchre in the temple. On the Day of Blood or Black Friday, the priests of the cult gashed themselves with knives as they danced ecstatically, sympathizing with Cybele in her grief and helping to restore Attis to life. Two days later, a priest opened the sepulchre at dawn, revealing that it was empty and announcing that the god was saved. This day was known as Hilaria or the Day of Joy, a time of feasting and merriment.
In Contrast the Christian Good Friday rite focuses on Christ as a crucified and  willing sacrifice. Altars are stripped, candles extinguished to represent the darkness of the grave. But on Easter, light springs from  the darkness, Christ rises from the tomb. If you’ve never attended an Easter vigil, I highly recommend it. (I usually go to a Russian or Greek Orthodox church, so I don’t know what the ceremony is like in other Christian churches.) Shortly before midnight all the lights are extinguished and the thronged church is dark and silent. Everyone is holding an unlit candle. The priest lights the Paschal candle, which has been ritually blessed and inscribed with the year. He then lights the candles of those nearby, who light the candles of their neighbors, until the church is ablaze with light and filled with song.

Spring Equinox 2015

Today is the Spring Equinox of 2015. An equinox occurs when the Sun shines directly over the earth's equator. This  makes night and day almost equal in  length There are two equinoxes every year, in  March and September.The Spring equinox occurs on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of March, the Fall equinox on  September 22nd, 23rd and 24th.


Equinox and solstice illustration
Equinox and solstice.
Equinoxes and solstices are points in contrast  on either side of the equator, and the March equinox or spring / vernal equinox of the northern hemisphere is the autumnal /fall equinox of the southern hemisphere. The equinoxes are by definition those days in which night and dare are nearly 12 hours long all over the world. Hence the word equinox which means equal night in Latin. Keep in mind however that the equinoxes are not a time of exactly 12 hours daylight or 12 hours night, instead, the equinox is based on the earth's tilt and that time when the Earth is neither tilted toward or away from the Sun but is perpendicular to the rays of the Sun.
The equinox is not exactly the same as the day when period of daytime and night are of equal length for two reasons. Sunrise, which begins daytime, occurs when the top of the Sund's disk rises above the eastern horizon. At that time, the disk's center is still below the horizon. Secondly, Earth's atmosphere refracts sunlight. As a result, an observer sees daylight before the first glimpse of the Sun's disk above the horizon. To avoid this ambiguity, the word equilux is sometimes used to mean a day on which the periods of daylight and night are equal.Times of sunset  and sunrise vary with an observer's location by longitude or latitude.
An Equinox may occur on any planet with a significant tilt to its rotational axis. Most dramatic of these is Saturn, where the equinox places its ring system edge-on facing the Sun. As a result, they are visible only as a thin line when seen from Earth. When seen from above – a view seen by humans during an equinox for the first time from the Cassini space probe in 2009 – they receive little sunshine and more "planetshine."
This lack of sunshine occurs once every 14.7 years. It can last a few weeks before and after the exact equinox. The most recent exact equinox for Saturn was on 11 August 2009. Its next equinox will take place on 30 April 2024.
One effect of equinoctial periods is the temporary disruption of  communications satellites.Geostationary satellites in particular are susceptible  there are a few days around the equinox when the sun goes directly behind the satellite relative to Earth (i.e. within the beam-width of the ground station antenna) for a short period each day. The Sun's immense power and broad radiation spectrum overload the Earth station's reception circuits with noise and, depending on antenna size and other factors, temporarily disrupt or degrade the circuit. The duration of those effects varies but can range from a few minutes to an hour depending on the frequency band since  a larger antenna has a narrower beamwidth and hence experiences shorter duration "Sun outage" windows.)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
This week a rare convergence brings us a unique series of lunar events, first the aurora borealis  on the 18th and now a solar eclipse —  on the Spring Equinox which just happens to be the Supermoon. In addition, the moon enters the 1st of the signs of the Zodiac, Aries, at 6:28 am. Today
This is the Earth's first — and only — total solar eclipse of the year and the first one since November 2013, NASA reports. The next total solar eclipse in the USA will be in August 2017.
The Spring Equinox is night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world, the sun will shine directly on the equatator at 6:45 pm today.Today we will also experience a Supermoon.  The Supermoon is a full or new moon that occurs during the moon's closest approach to Earth on its elliptical orbit, according to AccuWeather. A Super Moon is a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit. Unfortunately, the eclipse will not be visible in the United States This is the Earth's first — and only — total solar eclipse of the year and the first one since November 2013, NASA reports
Those of us in the USA can watch the eclipse online starting at 4:30 a.m. ET Friday on
Spring Equinox:
On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason it's called an “equinox”, derived from Latin, meaning "equal night". However, in reality equinoxes don't have exactly 12 hours of daylight
New Moon:
We can’t see the new moon from Earth, except during the stirring moments of a solar eclipse. Then the moon passes in front of the sun, and the night portion of the moon becomes visible to us, surrounded by the sun’s fiery corona.
Once each month, the moon comes all the way around in its orbit so that it is more or less between us and the sun. If the moon always passed directly between the sun and Earth at new moon, a solar eclipse would take place every month. But that doesn’t happen every month. Instead, in most months, the moon passes above or below the sun as seen from our earthly vantage point.
On the day of  the new moon, the moon rises when the sun rises. It sets when the sun sets. It crosses the sky with the sun during the day. That’s why we can’t see the new moon in the sky. It is too close to the sun’s glare to be visible. Plus its lighted hemisphere is facing away from us.
Super Moon
What makes it super? It's when a full or new moon coincides with perigee — the moon's closest point to Earth in its orbit. Basically, the Supermoon, when full, appears a bit bigger and brighter than usual in the night sky.
Since this Supermoon is during a new moon, it will not be visible, but it will block out the sun during the solar eclipse.
Moon in Aries: 
Nothing quite happens soon enough with this position of the Moon. There is an inherent impatience with getting what they want. Life is a series of emergencies for Lunar Ariens. They live in the moment and have a hard time waiting for things to happen. Whims of the moment take absolute precedence in their lives.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

waning_crescent_featuredGood Morning Readers. 
Welcome to the last day of the last moon of Winter. Today we say goodbye to the tempestuous March moon and officially say hello to Spring and all it's beauty and bounty. We have learned much about how different cultures commemorated this turn of the wheel. For many of us March is a transitional month as we languidly stretch and wake from the long  winter's sleep. Today the Waning Crescent moon is at 1% full making ready to phase into the New or Dark moon of April tomorrow, bringing with it a number of unique coincidences as we experience not only a New Moon but a Solar Eclipse as well . This feeling of things to come is also mirrored in the final aspect of the zodiac as the  moon  continues in Pisces. with its tendencies to renew and recharge in order to attend to coming tasks at hand. Light and love dear readers and until tomorrow Blessed Be. 
Last moon of Winter 
On Friday, March 20, the vernal equinox will occur once again, marking the gradual return to warmer days in the Northern Hemisphere and winter's official astronomical end.
Tomorrow's New Moon will carry more significance as  the spring equinox will transpire amidst two other celestial events: a total solar eclipse [for some areas] and a new supermoon."You could call it a cosmic coincidence," Slooh Observatory Manager Paul Cox said. 
Waning Crescent 
It is widely believed  the Moon is linked to the emotional make-up of a person. The phases of the Moon affect our unconscious habits, memories and moods. The waning crescent moon appears to be partly but less than half illuminated by direct sunlight. This Moon can be seen after the last quarter moon and right before the new Moon.

This is essentially the time to think about what has gone by and what has been done. This is a chance for you to tie up loose ends, and prepare yourself for a new beginning. During this phase, you may feel a dreamy and contemplative air come over you A peaceful and calming atmosphere in which you find yourself dreaming of times to come. .
Moon in Pisces 
Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac and thus carries with it a little of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, you may find yourself capable of reflected on the behavior of others,in a compassionate manner. Since the Moon represents our instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel without actual experience. When the moon is in Pisces  people often seem to  instinctively know when they're due for a much-needed recharge. It's at these times that they retreat from the world (and its harsh realities) if only to gather strength to face everything and everyone again.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

waning_crescent_featuredGood Morning Readers:
Happy Humpday all. Today we are witnessing the last few days of the March Moon and in true form to Spring in the Midwest I awoke to snow, I'm paying it no mind though for the weather men assure me that by Friday and the Spring Equinox we will be back up to the 60's. The next few days I will continue to focus on releasing and preparing for Spring. The transitional and tempestuous weather of this time of year can be quite frustrating, but as in any time of change it is important for us to see beyond present circumstances and work toward the time to come. Today we remain in the Waning Crescent, mirroring the theme of assessment and release of the March Moon. Today the moon enters Pisces at 6:58 am. Today and tomorrow are also planting days so if you are considering dedicating some seedlings on Ostara, or need to repot a few plants this is the time to do so. 
Sap Moon:
In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. TheFull Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation.Looking at these names it may seem odd that there were so many different names for the same month unless we keep in mind the connection to the earth our ancestors held.. for each monthly moon was simply named for the time of year reflected in their environment. 
Waning Crescent Moon:
Magick for decreases that mirror the decreasing size of the moon including: banishings, exorcisms, cleansings, magick to rid yourself of a bad habit, any type of ritual to rid yourself of negativity whether it is from human or spirit sources. The horns on the crescent you see in the sky during the waning phase of the moon are facing to your right.
Moon in Pisces:
Pisces is a Water sign hence you may feel the  need to establish solid emotional commitments during this time. Pisces is a highly intuitive sign but remember to take the time  to assess the  practicality of a situation or the facts before reacting in order to temper an overly emotional response. While the moon is in Pisces it may be easy to give in to a fear of rejection or to project your insecurities on those around you 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

giGood Morning Readers;
Happy St. Patricks day to one and all! Today we inch ever closer to the Spring Equinox on Ostara, leaving behind the 3 moons of winter. This is one of my favorite times of the year as I watch closely as the Mother awakes from her long slumber. Day by day, it seems as if life itself is languidly and slowly doing a cat-like stretch and yawn. Small green shoots begin to emerge and each day the trees have more buds if we're lucky we may even see the first tulips beginning to emerge waiting to open their brilliant displays. As we have been talking about the March moon has many names depending upon the culture and region of the area reflecting the important tasks of the tribe or clan, whether it be the Native American Crow or Worm Moon, commemorating the return of morning birds, or the Sap Moon, in honor of the bountiful and sweet treat provided by the Maple trees  of the Vermont areas, all of life is focused on the coming bounty. In this same spirit of expectant anticipation the moon phase is slowly finishing its cycle as we move into a Waning Crescent this is a time to let go, making ready for the goals and intentions of the New Moon on the 20th. The moon will enter void-of-course at 2:18pm today until Wednesday at 6:58 am when it will ease into Pisces. Love and Light readers and until tomorrow, Blessed Be!
Crow Moon or Worm Moon:
Some Native American tribes consider the March moon.People are born in this sign often convey themselves and their ideas easily because of and innate ability to be extremely flexible and adaptable.Native Americans attributed this to the tempestuous transition in which you were born. This gives you a unique alacrity, a moveable mind. This specialized mental condition allows you to communicate with other realms of life - you will be particularly drawn to fire animals and birds because these creatures are fast thinkers. Your lifes' skill is in the realm of helping  others through transition just as the March moon transitions our planet from Winter to Spring. 
waning_crescent_featuredWaning Crescent:
Because the moon is nearly on a line with the Earth and sun again, the day hemisphere of the moon is facing mostly away from us once more. We see only a slender fraction of the moon’s day side: a crescent moon.
Each morning before dawn, because the moon is moving eastward in orbit around Earth, the moon appears closer to the sunrise glare. We see less and less of the moon’s day side, and thus the crescent in the east before dawn appears thinner each day.
The moon, as always, is rising in the east day after day. But most people won’t see this moon phase unless they get up early. When the sun comes up, and the sky grows brighter, the waning crescent moon fades. Now the moon is so near the Earth/sun line that the sun’s glare is drowning this slim moon from view.
Still, the waning crescent is up there, nearly all day long, moving ahead of the sun across the sky’s dome. It sets in the west several hours or less before sunset.
VOC* (void of course) or v/c refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.
Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!
Do you have questions about what is appropriate to do or not do during the VOC* moon? A simple way to think about it is to ask a simple question: Do I hope that this activity will amount to something? If the activity does not need to amount to anything go ahead with it! If you have an expectation or desire that this action is going to amount to something, do not do it while the Moon is VOC*. Think about the time you bought a book you were certain you were going to love and you never could finish it! Think about the time you bought the perfect article of clothing that you ended up never wearing; that is the Moon VOC*!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16th, 2015

download (4)Good Morning Readers!
I hope your Monday is going well. I am a little bummed about the return of cooler weather this week, but living where I do I should be used to it. This week we will be counting down to the New Moon and the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Until then we remain in the last moon of Winter and as she phases through her fourth and final cycle we are urged to let go and prepare for a new month. The Moon will be void-of-course from 4:02 am to 6:14am when it enters Aquarius.

Lenten Moon
The last full moon of the winter season was also known as the Lenten Moon by settlers the origin possibly deriving from the season of lent.
4th quarter, Waning moon
the Waning Moon is the ideal time for banishing or releasing things. The New Moon is also known as the "Dark Moon" (also known as the “Black Moon.") This is the time of greatest power for banishing negativity and releasing yourself from all that binds you.
Void- of Course: 
When the moon is void-of-course expect the unexpected. This is because the moon will be moving between two different signs. This can lasta few seconds, minutes or hours and it can sometimes last a day or two. When the energy is faulty and unexpected, refrain from making decisions because judgment could be faulty because you would be making a decision when all the factors are not known. Do not sign contracts, shop or promise anything during this time. Dont sweat the small stuff, when the moon is "void-of-course"  it is better to embrace the spontaneity. It can be plenty of fun if you work it right!
Moon in Aquarius:
The moon continuously moves through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, changing signs every 2-1/2 day, picking up various influences from each of the astrological signs. Good metaphysicians usually take this information into consideration when planning their rituals, as do earth workers (gardeners and farmers.)Aquarius is an Air sign, and so pertains to ideas, concepts and communication. It as relates to the social side of life in terms of the protocol that guides how we interact with each other. Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which gives qualities of focus, perseverance and endurance.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Good Morning Readers;
Spring remains in the air in the Midwest, even though those of us born and raised here have a deep appreciation for the fickleness of the Gaia at this time of year. We remain for now in the third and final moon of Winter known by some Neopagans as the Death Moon.  The phase of the moon reflects the coming renewal as well, the 4th quarter moon, ande final phase of the moon symbolizing the need to release and make room for the coming New Moon which heralds  the Spring Equinox. The astrological of today's moon mirrors this spirit as we remain in the spirit of prioritization common with the Moon in Capricorn. Light and Love  anCapricorn is considered a passive earth sign, therefore  during this time we will foster a sense of well-being  when engaged in activities that give you a sense of self-respect.Light and Love: d Blessed Be
Death Moon: 
While research this article this morning attempting to find a bit of new and relevant information for you, I came across a reference to the March moon as the Death Moon. Further research into the Death Moon of March left me with only vague and general references as to the meaning of this particular reference. The closest theory I found related to the Triple Goddess archetype. It is my  feeling  that March was referred as the Death Moon in honor of the death and renewal of the Crone mirroring the death and renewal of the planet in Spring. 

“As Goddess of the Underworld she was concerned with Birth, Procreation and Death. As Goddess of the Earth she was concerned with the three season of Spring, Summer and Winter: she animated trees and plants and ruled all living creatures. As Goddess of the Sky she was the Moon, in her three phases of New Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon. […] As the New Moon or Spring she was a girl; as the Full Moon or Summer she was woman; as the Old Moon or Winter she was hag.” 
The White Goddess, Robert Graves 

4th Quarter Moon:
The Waning Moon is the ideal time for releasing things. The New Moon is also known as the "Dark Moon" (also known as the “Black Moon.") This is the time of greatest power for banishing negativity and releasing yourself from all that binds you. Before focusing on our intentions of the next cycle.
Moon in Capricorn.
The lunar phase is important in determining the optimal time to perform certain actions, for the most satisfactory result. This time-honored information has been utilized for centuries by not only farmers and gardeners, but Metaphysicians and Magicians as well. Particular signs are more beneficial for certain purposes, I have also found that for each task there is an opportune time. Noting the astrological phase of the moon has made me more aware and mindful to this. Capricorn is considered a passive earth sign, therefore  during this time we will foster a sense of well-being  when engaged in activities that give you a sense of self-respect.Capricorn is called the sign of the manager, which is a reflection of Capricorn’s desire and natural ability to, well,
The moon in Capricorn lends power to our natural sense of order. Capricorn is called the sign of the manager, which is a reflection of Capricorn’s desire and natural ability to manage; to get the job done and take care of what needs to be taken care of. Capricorn tends to assessing  our current reality and prioritizing tasks.Capricorn is a passive earth sign, therefore   we can receive a sense of well-being and self-respect through order.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday, March 13th, 2015

Good Morning Readers, 
This morning I awoke not to the drone of an alarm or to my teenagers morning nitpicking.. but to the symphony of birdsong. As a little girl, my grandmother and I would wake just before dawn to hear the birds welcome the sun. It was a special time meant just for us and though I am sure she shared this with the other grandchildren given there were around 20 of us. to me the birds  sang just for us on those magical mornings. Today we honor the Crow Moon in honor of my Grandmother. The Crow Moon is a variation of the Worm Moon. Native Americans of the area named the moons in honor of the changing seasons. The Worm Moon or Crow Moon honored the return of the birds as worm casings emerge from the melting ground Early mornings gradually lose the silence of winter as the birds noisily sing for their suppers. Today we enter the 4th quarter phase of the Crow Moon, this  Last Quarter of the  Moon represents a period of reflection and re-evaluation. It is a time when the focus is taken from what has already transpired, and is placed on new ventures and new ideas. There is an inclination to question your beliefs, values, and endeavors and to discard anything that impedes any new, emerging directions in life. The attention is now on achieving an awareness of life’s underlying purpose. The moon also remains in Pisces today, many great artists and dreamers have been born with the Moon in Pisces, and their gifts often seem divinely inspired in some way. For this reason, artistic endeavors  are favored today. Light and Love dear Readers and until tomorrow Blessed Be!
Crow Moon 
The Full Crow Moon also known as the Worm Moon and the Sap Moon. Called the Crow Moon for the cawing crows that signal the end of winter. As the earth thaws worms start to appear. And it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.
As we move to Ostara, the Spring Equinox on March 20th when both day and night are of  equal length we are reminded to find our own inner balance. focus inward toward inner wisdom and self-analysis.
4th Quarter Moon: 
The 4th Quarter of the  Moon  may inspire  strong beliefs that you are inclined to put into action.This call to action may make us  inflexible at times, you usually have enough insight to know when to act and when not to act.
Moon in Pisces: 
The moon in Pisces being a romantic phases of the zodiac inspires us to lift up relationships to an imagined height. It may be hard to see the true nature of a situation beyond the romantic ideal. Yet there is also the opportunity to thrive if encouraged and supported.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

waxing or WaningGood Morning Readers: 
Another beautiful morning in the Midwest, The Worm Moon is upon us here as I sit in my backyard listening to the birds singing as they search for their morning meal. The Snow has almost completely melted and the ground has begun to thaw bringing the  anticipation and the promise of abundance to avid gardeners. the Waxing Gibbous Moon gently reminds us to release that which we do not need in order to make space in our lives for the bounty to come. It is time to plan Spring Cleaning projects or to ready our tools for the gardening to come. Today the moon remains in Sagittarius, our energetic athletic sign of the zodiac, making it a perfect time to stroll the neighborhood  dream of our plans for Spring. Today is also a harvest day, so it may be a good day to trim back those kitchen herbs that have gotten a little straggly.
March: The Worm Moon
Snow slowly begins to melt, the ground softens, and earthworms show their heads again and their castings or fecal matter can be found. Other signs of spring gave rise to other variations: the cawing of crows (the Crow Moon); the formation of crusts on the snow from repeated thawing and freezing (the Crust Moon); and the time for tapping maple trees (the Sap Moon). Christian settlers also called this the Lenten Moon and considered it the last moon of winter.
Waxing Gibbous Moon:
moon phases diagram
The illustration may look a little complex at first, but it’s easy to explain.
Sunlight is shown coming in from the right. The earth, of course, is at the center of the diagram. The moon is shown at 8 key stages during its revolution around the earth. The moon phase name is shown alongside the image. The dotted line from the earth to the moon represents  the line of sight when looking at the moon. The large moon image shows what you would see at that point in the cycle. For the waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent phases you must mentally turn yourself upside down when imagining the line of sight. When you do this, you’ll “see” that the illuminated portion is on your left, just as you see in the large image.
One important thing to notice is that exactly one-half of the moon is always illuminated by the sun. Of course, that is perfectly logical, but you need to visualize it in order to understand the phases. At certain times, we see both the sunlit portion and the shadowed portion — and that creates the various moon phase shapes we are all familiar with. Also, note that the shadowed part of the moon is invisible to the naked eye; in the diagram above, it is only shown for clarification purposes. Finally, please realize this diagram is only meant to demonstrate how the phases work; the small inner moons in the diagram do not show the fact that the  same side of the moon always faces Earth.
So the basic explanation is that the lunar phases are created by changing angles (relative positions) of the earth, the moon, and the sun, as the moon orbits the earth.
Moon in Sagittarius:
When the moon resides in the sign of Sagittarius, we all subconsciously become Sagittarius. Optimism, vitality, generosity, good intention, striving for protection intensify, as well as a desire for philosophy, expansion of  our horizons or just a desire for a walk somewhere.

These days are favorable for studying, work, teaching, and also expansion of the area of interest,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Good Morning Readers: 
What a beautiful Spring day we are having here in the Midwest.Growing up in the Midwest we all knew the fickle nature of Spring, which makes these warm days even more precious to us. I also grew up outside of the Pine Ridge Reservation, so my grandparents combined the lore of the area with those of the old country. We came from the Gypsies of Bohemia and the cold lands of Odin. Each tradition melding into a whole, rich in tradition and practicality. For the Sioux tribes, March is the "Moon When Eyes Are Sore from Bright Snow." This was the time when the warmth of the days melted the snow crust bit by bit each day refreezing at night. The beauty of the trees and drifts after these melting periods is indescribable. The trees sport sparkling lights each morning as the sun shines brightly through the fresh melted snow. The brilliance of Early Spring hurting our eyes after the long dark winter. Today the moon phase is a Waxing Gibbous. Today the moon will be void of course until 7:30 pm when the moon enters into Sagittarius. Sagittarius brings with it energy and a need for movement. Take a moment today to get out and enjoy the Spring weather today and stretch your legs. 
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."
  Chief Seattle 1854

The Moon when Eyes are Sore from Bright Snow: 
I stood by the swelling river 
One day in early spring, 
When the banks with murky watera 
Were teeming to the brim — 
The grinding, ice flotilla 
Was a the mody supreme, 
While in the headlong torrent
Awakening life was seen. 
Again, when summer's glory 
Illumed the bending sky, 
I sought the dappling shadows 
Where the river murmured by; 
The grimy flood had vanished. 
My eyes beheld before. 
And an anthem of bursting gladness
The dimpling current bore.
Waxing Gibbous
 Looking in particular at the astronomical practices and beliefs of the Oglala, Hunkpapu, and other Lakota bands. It can be shown that despite what some anthropologists have proclaimed about living 'timelessly', the Lakota did pay attention to the heavens, and they did have means of preserving what they observed.The problem was that Western astronomers simply didn't look closely enough at the Lakota religion. Other societies use star-watching as a form of utilitarian time-keeping, a purely "secular" (literally) pursuit. The problem was that ceremonies like the Sun Dance, Sweat Lodge, and Sacred Pipe contained cosmological knowledge, but ethno-astronomers left study of those rituals to scholars of religion. They didn't realize that the Lakota were the descendants of the "vanished" cultures that created the Plains Medicine Wheels. They spent too much time hunting for alignments and not enough time collecting legends. They didn't understand that some of the adornments on Lakota costumes and artefacts were astronomical because they didn't look "like stars," and they never really asked anyone about their museum collections.Research with the Lakota should teach us that nomadic hunting societies do not ignore the heavens, either. Like many other societies on the move, the Lakota used the stars as a guidepost for when to move on from place to place in the Black Hills. Ethno-astronomers seem to have a biased belief that only people who stay in one place bother to stretch their heads out and look up at the sky. But for wandering peoples, the heavens literally may have laid out a "map" of their migrations. Other forms of religious pilgrimage should be studied in this light. The Lakota were probably not the only race who chose to mimic the movements of the stars above by their migrations below.
Moon in Saggittarius:
Sagittarius Moon is happy-go-lucky and free-spirited… as long as they aren't cooped up. They need space and personal freedom to be happy. They love to be physically active. Travel, sports, socializing… it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is active. They love open spaces, indoors and out. Optimistic and cheerful,  A Sagittarius Moon is always upbeat with a natural charm which allows for forgiveness of a multitude of sins. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Good Morning Readers, 
The March moon is known by many names reflecting this ever changing time of the year the earth shifts from one season to another. Many of the Native American names describe this time of year by the important activities to the tribe and it’s survival. For the Arapahoe, the March moon was the time of “Buffalo dropping calves” while to the Hopi it was the ” time of the whispering moon” and to the Omaha it was the ” Little Frog Moon”. There is no doubt our ancestors saw this as a time of renewal and promised abundance as the earth reawakens from the long barren winter. Today’s Moon Phase is the Waning Gibbous Moon. Astrologically, what is the gibbous moon? It’s when the Moon is more than half full, but not quite fully illuminated, when you look at it from the perspective of Earth. the Waxing Gibbous in terms of the earth-centered spirituality is seen as the time before the New Moon, a time to release the negative and harmful parts of us so we may make ready for the new beginnings of the New Moon phase. Today, the moon remains in Virgo, a sign which relishes in details. it is a great time for matters concerning health, hygiene, and daily schedules. I find Virgo in the Waxing Phase to be a time to clean out closets, or organizing my kitchen. With the weather we are having though I may just go out and plan out my garden. Light and Love dear readers.. and until tomorrow blessed Be.
Buffalo Dropping Calves Moon
Native Americans gave names to each of the full moons to keep track of the passing year. The names are associated with the entire month until the next full moon occurs. Since a lunar month averages 29 days, the dates of the moons change from year to year. Here are titles most closely associated with calendar months.
Waning Gibbous Moon 
What does it mean when you hear the term “gibbous moon”? It’s when the Moon is more than half full, but not quite fully illuminated, when you look at it from the perspective of Earth. The reason the light changes has to do with how the Moon orbits the Earth.
The average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 382,500 km (237,675 miles). As the Moon orbits our planet, the illumination of the Sun changes on its surface. The Moon takes about 29.5 days to go from a new moon to a full moon and then back again. This is called a “synodic period” or sometimes, a “synodic month.”
It’s slightly longer than the “sidereal period” or “sidereal month” (27.3 days) for the Moon to return to the same position relative to the stars. That’s because the Earth is moving at the same time along its orbit of the Sun, requiring the Moon to “catch up” to reach the same illumination, according to NASA.
Moon in Virgo:
Those with Moon in Virgo are happiest when at home in their own skin, which so often comes from having a healthy regimen. But this goes beyond exercising to include things like solitary walks to clear the mind, and time spent writing in a journal. Ideally, they’ll refine their day so that the mind, the body, and the spirit end up feeling refreshed.When Virgoan qualities inhabit the Moon, these routines become a daily emotional need. Other habits that exercise their active minds might be doing crossword puzzles, reading the morning paper or getting lost in books.