Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, February 27th 2015

Good Morning Readers:
In some traditions, the March moon is the Chaste Moon in honor of the  Maiden, a time of expectant wonder. The 1st quarter moon mirrors this as it prepares for the coming full moon. This is a time to prepare, to plan, and to dream. We make ready for what is to come. If matters of home and hearth are your concern this morning the moon enters Cancer at 7:50 am. The Moon in Cancer will help to encourage communication in relation to domestic matters.
Chaste Moon:
The Chaste Moon of March (also known as the Lenten, Seed, Sap, Worm and Hare Moon) truly marks the celebration of Spring. It is the observance of the return of the Goddess in all her Maiden glory. At this time of the year we prepare for planting the fields and gardens, blessing the seeds for the crops in the hope that the year’s harvest will be plentiful.
Like the Goddess of the Moon Diana, nature is poised - potential about to burst into life all around us. Just as the Goddess has many faces and forms, so can we. The circle dance never ends, only revolves again and again. Thus as the Goddess ever renews her aspect, so can Her children.
This new journey began with the Storm Moon in February by firming our foundations to prepare for change, and now is the time to discover our potential. On the Esbat of the Chaste Moon, we look deep within ourselves to strengthen our foundations ready to plant the seeds of our new lives, and discover what lies there waiting, like the Maiden, to be fulfilled.
On the 20th of March , the Sabbat of Ostara will be celebrated. The stirrings of Mother Earth are now apparent, with the first spring flowers began to emerge from the earth, the woodlands begin to bristle and rustle with new life and the birds begin to return and serenade us once again – the song of the Robin is now not the only song to be heard. Her Consort now seeks out the Maiden Goddess, and their liaison grows in power and intensity. As this bond develops, so too can we develop and cultivate new strengths to reach our own dizzy heights.
“I am the moon that rises from the twilight sea,
I bring men dreams that rule their destiny,
Bring the dream tides to the souls of men, The tides that ebb and flow and ebb again…
The tides that ebb and flow and ebb again…
These are the moon tides, these belong to me,
Hera in Heaven, in earth, Persephone,
Levannah of the tides, and Hecate,
Diana of the Moon, Star of the Sea.
These are my secrets, these belong to me…”
Dion Fortune, The Sea Priestess.

1st quarter Moon:
If you want to gain something (friendship, money, job, intelligence) do your magic during the WAXING MOON (when the moon is getting full)
The time between the waxing and Full Moon is the ideal time to do magic to draw things to you.
The moon in cancer stimulates emotional rapport between people. Cancer supports growth and nurturing making this a great time to attend to domestic concerns, and create harmony at home. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
This evening we remain in the 1st quarter of the waxing moon. Allowing us  to continue the growth of our intentions for the month as we continue to the Full Moon on the 5th of March.  The moon will also enter a void-of-course at 3:43 am. until Friday at 7:50 am when the moon enters Cancer.

Storm Moon
Like most of our moons, the one in March is called a number of names,  depending upon the tradition. You could call it the Sap Moon, the Crust Moon, the Crow Moon, even the Maple Sugar Moon or the Worm Moon.According to lore, the full moon was named for the time of year when robins start to reemerge from where they spent the cold season, tugging at worms in the thawing ground.Though it’s true worms would be more accessible to birds when spring hits, robins actually never leave most places, unlike many birds that do migrate elsewhere for  the winter. The American Robin spends the whole winter in their breeding range,” according to Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology. But because they spend more time roosting in trees and less time in your yard, you’re much less likely to see them.”Much like the robin The Sap Moon and Maple Sugar Moon is so named for the sap for the sap oozing from maple trees  long  considered a sign that spring is about to arrive. 
Of course, the truest mark of spring doesn’t happen until, March 20 at the vernal equinox
Though there’s always a chance for a late season snow storms  (like the ones that could hit parts of the Midwest and Northeast Sunday into Monday), spring is literally right around the corner.
1st Quarter moon:
The First Quarter Moon appears approximately a week after the New Moon.  We might call the First
Quarter Moon, as well as the Last Quarter Moon, “the half Moon,” because the Moon appears cut in half.  It
is not a quarter of a Moon at all in appearance.Every night the Moon rises in the East a little later and the thickness of the Waxing Crescent gets fatter until the shape of the Moon is half a circle. This is the First Quarter, also called by some people the Waxing Half Moon. It is dark on the left and bright on the right.The Waxing First Quarter Moon rises about at noon and sets about at midnight.After that, the Moon kind of starts to look like it is pregnant. It is perfectly round on the right side, but bulged out past half-way on the left. This is the Waxing Gibbous Moon. You can continue to do waxing, drawing, increasing, or growth spells.
Void-of-course motion is the Moon reaches near the end degrees of the zodiac sign that it has been traveling through. From the time, it makes its last aspect or energy connection with another planet is when the void-of-course motion begins. This period of time, today is when you may feel confused or not sure of what direction to go. This void-of-course period can create unexpected results. You may experience delays and frustrations. During this period of time, it is best to avoid making decisions. It will be much easier to just go with the flow of what is around you. If you can avoid shopping, signing contracts or making important decisions during this time, you will avoid difficulties later on. You will save yourself wasted time, money and effort by paying attention to the do's and don'ts of this period of time. Try looking at the list below and experiment for yourself. You will discover that this time period is best for subjective, non-materialistic avenues of involvement and you may feel much more at ease after having this time to ponder and reflect on important decisions that you may need to make.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Good Morning Readers;
This evening we enter the 2nd quarter of the Storm Moon at 12: 14pm. As the moon moves to it's full aspect our intention and spells grow as well.This a time for building, for growth and understanding. This evening the moon remains in Gemini.The moon in Gemini harnesses the power of duality. Gemini is a very energetic sign Vedic Astrology warns us  that if the Moon  is in Gemini, you may have trouble focusing on onely one task. On the other hand, today is a great day for multi-tasking. So for today dear readers loosen your grip a bit and embrace the spirit of chaos and energy of the moon in Gemini, just don't expect to too organized today... Light and love dear readers. 
Storm Moon
Native Americans held the moon in a special reverance so your Native American moon sign is reflective. Because we are dealing with attributes of the moon, the personality types shared below will speak to your shadow selves.
However, most astrological zodiacs are based on sun signs (the position of the sun at your birth). Sun signs describe how you appear to the world (it fits with the metaphor of the visible sun radiating brightly for all to see upon the earth).
These moon signs are a metaphor - they express shadows, motion, change and soft illuminations of the personality - just like the moon. March is the Crow moon.If you were born in March, your Native American moon sign indicates you are an expansive communicator. Your skill to convey yourself and your ideas comes from your ability to be extremely flexible and adaptable. You were born in a time of tempestuous transition. This gives you a unique alacrity, a moveable mind. This specialized mental condition allows you to communicate with other realms of life - you will be particularly drawn to fire animals and birds because these creatures are fast-thinkers like you. You are the midwives and overseers of great change. Your life lesson is about helping yourself and others through transition.
2nd Quarter

First Quarter Moon

During the first quarter, half of the Moon is illuminated, as seen from the Earth. The Moon rises near the middle of the day and sets near the middle of the night. In northern regions of the world, the right part will bevisible, while the left part will be visible in the southern regions. Near the equator, the upper part is bright after moonrise, and the lower part is bright before moonset (the bright part appears and disappears first).
Every night the Moon rises in the East a little later and the thickness of the Waxing Crescent gets fatter, until the shape of the Moon is half a circle. This is the First Quarter, also called by some people the Waxing Half Moon. It is dark on the left and bright on the right. You can continue to do waxing, drawing, increasing, or growth spells.
                      The Waxing First Quarter Moon 
                      rises about at noon 
                      and sets about at midnight.
The four elements are:
  • Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius);
  • Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo);
  • Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
  • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
There are also natural love connections between Sun signs of harmonious elements. These are fire-air and earth-water.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Good Morning Readers.: 
This evening we will rest under a The Waxing Gibbons of  the Storm Moon entering Gemini at 11:45pm this evening. The Waxing aspect of the Storm Moon urges us to make ready for Spring.... even if we don't technically see it outside our front door just yet. For most of today, the moon will be void-of-course but this evening we enter Gemini, the creative dynamic sign of the zodiac, a great time to pursue any creative projects you may be thinking about.Make sure to remain grounded though or the energetic nature of the sign may lend to a fair amount of chaos and emotion. 
Strom Moon: 
he Storm Moon  is our wake up call. During this time, all in nature is pure and full of potential. The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats, and creeping out or their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of quiescent possibilities. The Storm Moon uses the same force upon us. There is a gentle pulling upon our consciousness at this time, we become aroused to the latent forces within ourselves – now is the time to turn the mirror in upon ourselves, and see what is reflected. A time to grasp the buds of new paths and ideas, and like nature, be prepared to welcome life anew.
Waxing Gibbous::
An easy way to remember and understand those "between" lunar phase names is by breaking out and defining 4 words: crescent, gibbous, waxing and waning. The word crescent refers to the phases where the moon is less than half illuminated. The word gibbous refers to phases where the moon is more than half illuminated. Waxing essentially means "growing" or expanding in illumination, and warning means "shrinking" or decreasing in illumination.
Thus you can simply combine the two words to create the phase name, as follows:
After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light is completely gone -- a new moon. 
For Pagans trying to live in sync with the moon and her cycles the Waxing Gibbous is a time for beginnings, a time to grow our intentions for the month. 
According to theory, most activities should be initiated when the Moon is not Void- of- Course. New activities started during the void period generally don't work out to our liking, or they need some serious adjustment in order for them to meet any success. Therefore, if possible, one should avoid going on a first date, a job interview, starting a business or project, and so forth, during the Void of Course Moon.
With the Moon in Gemini, individuals may feel animated and hyper.When the moon is in Gemini we are continuously active in one task or another but our attention may be unpredictable, you may find it hard today to stick to a plan  or routine today. Today we feel  the spirit of  spontaneity. . Gemini is a talented sign with a great imagination smiling upon creative tasks.Gemini is also  sociable and friendly with a  way with words, both written and verbal.But beware for with the Moon in Gemini, individuals often feel restlessness.. Often, people may feel  their minds operating overtime and they are inclined to study things and settings in an intellectual manner without offering much attention to their intuition and feelings. Due to this, some people  might suffer from an emotional conflict which makes them feel nervous and impatient, separating them from their surroundings.In order to temper this effect take some extra time today to stay grounded today

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Good Morning Readers;
This evening the Storm Moon of March is in the Waxing Phase. This months moon reminds of the coming Spring while the Waxing Phase of the Moon urges us to start  again. It is a time for beginnings, a time to let our magic sprout and grow just as the early spring flowers will soon do. For most of the day our moon remains in Taurus giving energy and strength to projects you wish to be resistant to change. Just make sure it is done by 9:57 pm when the moon will be void-of-course to insure success,
Storm Moon:
Celtic ~ Moon of Ice
English Medieval ~ Storm Moon
Neo Pagan ~ Snow Moon
This month  brings with her Moon a time to begin your Spring Cleaning.  It is a time to welcome change, as light once again begins to take hold of the world, and darkness recedes. We need to start making plans for the future, accept responsibility for past discretions; a time for purifying your thoughts and self- forgiveness.  It is a time of rebirth of self, and self- purification.
Waxing Moon:
The Moon today is in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon's surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.
Taurus knows how to savor the good things in life, but also excels at taking care of business. They’re blessed with an emotional stability that gives them focus when all others are lost in confusion. They have a take-charge nature, but everything is done with a deliberate style so that each step is on solid ground.
The Moon has the fastest orbit, and as it cycles around the Earth, it makes aspects to other planets, and moves through all 12 Zodiac signs. It makes contact with all the wanderers (planets), in what are called aspects. These are the angles formed by the relationship, known as squares, oppositions, trines, sextiles and conjunctions.
When the Moon is Void-of-Course, often written as VOC or v/c on your calendar, it's left the last aspect it'll make before going into the next Zodiac sign. The echo of that last planetary transit can color the emotional atmosphere since the Moon is like our mood lighting.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Good Morning Readers! 
This evening’s Storm Moon remains in the Waxing Phase. It is the to allow the magic to grow as we wait (more or less) patiently for the coming Spring. This morning the moon is void-of-course until 7:28 pm this evening when we will enter Taurus.Taurus brings with it an appreciation for beauty, a Sunday stroll may be just the thing for you.
Storm Moon, aka. Worm Moon, Sap Moon, Lenten Moon 
The Farmer’s Almanac tells us that March’s full moon is known as the Worm Moon amongst the Native Americans – As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this Moon as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter; or the Full Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation. To the settlers, it was also known as the Lenten Moon, and was considered to be the last full Moon of winter.
According to the Wise Witches Society, this moon is known as the Seed Moon; sowing season and symbol of the start of the new year.
The Waxing Moon
Waxing Moon means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. This is a time for spells that attract, that bring positive change, spells for love, good luck, growth. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. At this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect, give praise to Epona, Artemis or one of the other Maiden Goddesses. The period of the waxing moon lasts about 14 days.
‘…as the moon waxes and wanes,
and walks three nights in darkness,
so the Goddess once spent three nights
in the kingdom of Death.’
he Moon rules our subconscious, emotions and feelings. When she goes “void” this is experienced on a mass global level. People are not tuned into reality 100%. Often they are prone to be detached from reality, spacey, and feel unanchored.
Taurus :
Taurus’ element is Earth, and just like the other Earth  signs  it is noted for its  practicality, This sign is  extremely down to earth practical and reliable. The Spirit of Taurus will lend power to endeavors you want to be stable and hard to change.Projects started at this time also tend to increase in value.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Good Morning Readers;
This evening we are under the Waxing Phase of the Storm Moon. The Storm Moon brings the Spring showers which will nourish our planet and our hearts after the long winter. The Waxing Phase is that time between the New Moon and the Full Moon. The Waxing Moon is a natural time to start projects you wish to bring to full force upon the coming Full Moon. Today the moon remains in Aries until 7:16pm when it will be Void-of-Course until Sunday evening at 7:28pm when it enters Taurus. Light and Love Dear Readers and have a great day. 
Storm Moon: 
 Also known as the Magpie  Or Crow Moon. The Native American full moon names for March are largely based on these being considered the last full moons of winter; the crow caws its farewell to the season. Also known as the Worm Moon because they start to surface at this time, also signaling retreat of winter and the marching in of springtime. No matter what we coin the March Moon, here in the Northern hemisphere it is a time to bear the last of the Winter snows and welcome the coming of Spring. 
Waxing Moon: 
After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light is completely gone -- a new moon. For Pagans and Wiccans alike the phase of the moon is important, lending power to the magic. The Waxing Moon signifies a time to begin, with the magic growing as does the face of the moon. 
Aries is a Fire sign, governing impulses, initiative, and action. Accordingly, you are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side. You may experience yourself as a dynamic individual, and enjoy getting things started – lifting them off the ground. Your need for independence suggests you may be happiest when left to do your own thing, and will detest being told what to do.
"Every couple of days there comes a time which is best used for subjective, spiritual non-material concerns, like prayer, yoga, play, psychotherapy, or passive experience, sleep or meditation.
"This period may last a few seconds, or it may be three days and nights in a single session. "It begins when the Moon in transit makes the last major aspect it will make before it changes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. It ends when the Moon enters the next sign. The name of this period is Void of Course Moon. You may call it a silly season, or vacation from normal living." Al H. Morrison, 

Friday, February 20, 2015

       Good Morning Readers! 
download (4)Today we enter the Storm Moons Waxing Phase, the time between the New Moon and Full Moon. It is time to build the strength of our intentions made during the New Moon. This Phase is about building, accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning especially in regards of  positive transformations. The Moon is in it's maiden phase of it's monthly voyage with the sign of Aries guiding it. Aries as we recall from yesterday, is an energetic sign, great for new beginnings , it is an assertive sign, beware of becoming over charged however, for Aries is can also inspire aggression if we are not careful. Light and Love dear readers we'll see you tomorrow. 

Storm Moon
Storm Moon is a raw, blustery time of year in which the snow can return with a vengeance. March is a month of beginnings  This month's moon is also known as: Seed Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow. .The Native American full moon names for March are largely based on these being considered the last full moons of winter; the crow caws its farewell to the season. Also known as the Worm Moon, because they start to surface at this time, also signaling retreat of winter and the marching in of springtime. Use this month for magical workings related to rebirth and regrowth.
Waxing Moon
The Waxing moon is the moon at any time after  the new moon and before the  full moon, so called because its illuminated area is increasing.
It takes approximately fourteen days for this to happen. In many magical traditions, people use this time of the moon to perform "positive" magic -- in other words, magic that draws things to you, or increases things. Some examples would include:
  • A money spell
  • A working to get a new job or home
  • Bringing love into one's life
  • Any magic related to increasing material items
People attempting to adjust their normal rhythms to those of the planets will want to look for a feeling of anticipation, a time of the month to feel your resolve grow and expand. Focus your attention upon the changes you want to see in yourself this month. 
Aries ;
This is a fiery position of the moon. Even if the Sun or rising sign is more low-key, Moon in Aries people possess an  inner passion. Emotional issues take precedence--there is simply no pussy-footing around when it comes to dealing with the feelings. And, dealing with new sentiments and needs stirs up a huge desire for activity. Moon in Aries has a need for acting out their needs, with no time to waste. It is hard for them to see the long-term or to wait for things to happen. Instant gratification rules! Aries can also be  an impulsive sign so if your intentions include a project or budgeting .. be careful with the credit cards.Aries impulsive attitude and high energy can translate into overspending. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Good Morning Readers! 
Hopefully you all slept well under the light of the New Moon. The Storm Moon today  reminds us that Spring is on the way with it's spring storms to nurture the spring plantings. This New Moon is also a Super Moon being quite close to the Earth in it's orbit even if we were unable to see it so close to the Sun's orbit. The New Moon urges us to make plans and set intentions for the coming month. Today the moon will be void-of-course from 6:02pm to 7:11 pm when the moon enters Aries. The Moon in
Aries makes this a great time to start projects, things will seem to move quickly. Beware of Aries argumentative nature thought in order to make them run smoothly

Storm Moon:
The Storm Moon of late February is so named for the Spring storms. As the old saying goes March comes in like a lion and leaves like the lamb. 
New Moon:
New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.
Super Moon 
Last night we experienced a rare event, a Dark Super Moon during this time, the moon is at the closest to the Earth than at any other time making it appear 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than other full moons.
Scientists call this phenomenon a “perigee moon.” The moon is usually about 238,000 miles from our planet, but because of the elliptical shape of the moon’s orbit, the distance varies throughout the year. At perigee, the moon is about 12,000 miles closer to the Earth.
You won’t be able to see Wednesday’s unique supermoon due to the sun’s glaring rays concealing it during day hours. But with minimal light pollution from the moon, it’ll be a prime time to dig out those astronomical binoculars and go searching for faint objects in the galaxy.
As Universe Today puts it, a black moon is the simply a new moon version of a blue moon — which is an extra full more in a season having nothing to do with color — and is either:
  1. A month missing a Full or New Moon… this can only occur in February, as the lunar synodic period from like phase to phase is 29.5 days long. This last occurred in 2014 and will next occur in 2018.
  2. The second New Moon in a month with two. This can happen in any calendar month except February.
  3. And now for the most convoluted definition: the third New Moon in an astronomical season with four.
    The black moon  intensifies  ocean waters to create surging tides, known as a perigean spring tide. In some countries, like the United States, the phenomenon is known as the King Tide. As a result, a coastal flood alert is in effect until late Thursday.
    The black supermoon won’t be back until Oct. 30th, 2016, however, a spectacular blue moon is expected on July 31 this year.
Moon in Aries 
Great time for starting projects. Things may occur rapidly, but quickly pass. People may also become more assertive or even argumentative during this time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
Our moon is void-of-course until 6:47pm today when it officially enters the New Moon phase and enters Pisces. For those of you seeking to align your life with the natural cycles of the moon, this evening will be a perfect time to renew intentions and goals for the coming month. This month's  Storm Moon will bring with it the warmth of spring and the life-giving summer storms that nourish the earth. It is a time of beginning, a time of action. The Pisces moon reminds us to dream, and trust our intuition as we move forward to the next season. It is a great time for spiritual activities. 
Storm Moon
March rolls in like the proverbial lion, and if we're really lucky, it might go out like a lamb. It's the time of the Storm Moon, the month when Spring finally arrives.Heavy rains and gray skies abound as the earth is  showered with the life-giving water it needs to have a fertile and healthy growing season. This is also a time of equal parts light and darkness, and so a time of balance.
New Moon: 
A storm is said to rage most fiercely just before it ends, and the year usually follows suit.
The Moon following the Wolf Moon is the Storm Moon. Whether you meet with a coven on the night of the Full Moon, salute Her in a solitary ritual, or simply blow Her a kiss, bear in mind the magic of this night and the nature of the storms of February. Unlike the boisterous storms of the light half of the year, which are accompanied by the clashing of thunder and the flinging of lightning bolts, the storms of February come in silence. They blanket the world in coldness in keeping with the nature of the dark half of the Wheel of the Year. But beneath the blanket of cold and silent snow, Nature rests, as we do when in the realm of the Spirit that is called death; and like those in the world of Spirit, Nature prepares for life anew.New  Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.
Pisces:  Pisces Moon will often have strong psychic abilities. They find it easy to walk a mile in someone else's shoes and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this capacity also makes it easy for them to lose themselves in others' problems.During the Pisces Moon, you  will often have strong psychic abilities. Finding  it easy to walk a mile in someone else's shoes and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, this capacity also makes it easy for them to lose themselves in others' problems. During the Pisces Moon, you can become overwhelmed with reality or  become despondent by those around you if you are not careful, so be careful the next few days of your company. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Good Morning Readers!
Today, tomorrow and the next day are the cycles of the New Moon.The February 18 the moon qualifies as a supermoon if you accept the definition by Richard Nolle that started the whole supermoon craze a few years ago. Nolle, who is credited for coining the term, defines a supermoon as:
… a new or full moon which occurs with the moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit.
This Months moon is considered the Storm Moon or Worm Moon for the Spring weather we will start to see. Additionally the moon remains in Capricorn today, urging us to focus on tradition and responsibilities
Storm Moon:
In this month, the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation.
New Moon 
Officially the dark moon can be  time for ridding oneself of bad habits, Binding spells, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.The New Moon can also be a time to set intentions and goals for the coming month.
Dark Moon:
The new moon comes on February 18, 2015, and then reaches perigee less than one-third day later. It’s the closest new moon of the year, which qualifies it as a new moon supermoon. It’s also a seasonal Black Moon; that is, it’s the third of four new moons in the current season (December solstice to March equinox). The moon reaches lunar perigee – the moon’s closest point to Earth for the month – some 7.6 hours after the moon turns new at 23:47 UTC (6:47 p.m. CDT) on February 18. Don’t expect to see anything special, not even a little crescent like that in the photo above. A  full supermoon is out all night – brighter than your average full moon. But a NewMoon supermoon is only out during the daytime hours, hidden in the sun’s glare.
Capricorn’s influence helps to build strong structure in our lives. Capricorn uges us to focus on traditions, responsibilities and obligations making this a great time to set boundaries and rules

Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday, February 16th,2015

Good Morning Readers:
 The Quickening Moon hints of a Spring to come.. even if we may not be lucky enough to feel it just yet the days are getting longer. The Waning Moon readies itself for a new New Moon on the 18th. Additionally, the moon will be void-of-course from 3:17pm to 7:13pm when it enters Aquarius. Aquarius' influence is a rebellious, energetic one so embrace your personal freedom today. Today is a great time to focus on breaking habits or making abrupt changes given the Waning Phase in Aquarius. Today is also a great day for planting those seedlings .Until tomorrow dear readers light and love. 

Quickening Moon:
The Moons Energy is in purification, growth, healing, loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans. This is a good time to focus your magick on home, hearth and family.Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, some native tribes often called February’s full moon the Snow Moon, The tribes that used Snow Moon for the January moon called this moon the Hunger Moon, as the food supply was often low and harsh winter conditions made hunting difficult this time of year.
Waning Moon:
A waning crescent moon is sometimes called an old moon. It’s seen in the east before dawn.
Now the moon has moved nearly entirely around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next.
because the moon is nearly on a line with the Earth and sun again, the day hemisphere of the moon is facing mostly away from us once more. We see only a slender fraction of the moon’s day side: a crescent moon.
Each morning before dawn, because the moon is moving eastward in orbit around Earth, the moon appears closer to the sunrise glare. We see less and less of the moon’s day side, and thus the crescent in the east before dawn appears thinner each day.The moon, as always, is rising in the east day after day. But most people won’t see this moon phase unless they get up early. When the sun comes up, and the sky grows brighter, the waning crescent moon fades. Now the moon is so near the Earth/sun line that the sun’s glare is drowning this slim moon from view.Still, the waning crescent is up there, nearly all day long, moving ahead of the sun across the sky’s dome. It sets in the west several hours or less before sunset.
Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac (also known as the Water Bearer), which tends to be very sensitive and can easily get hurt by criticism. You may be surrounded by lots of people, but actually you have very few good friends. If you stay grounded, you can be good at communications. You enjoy the company of people who are on the same wavelength. You are frank and avoid frequent changes, but when people try to take advantage of your nature, you can get quite upset. And when someone hurts or cheats you, you can nurture feelings of revenge for a long time. You prefer your personal life to be peaceful. You rarely get emotionally attached to your relationships. People get attracted by your wit and intelligence. You tend to learn fast. You are inquisitive and take interest in everything around you, which tends to divide your concentration.
Planting Days 
Planting by the Moon is a great way to help plan your above and below ground crops.
  • Plant flowers and vegetables that bear crops above ground during the light, or waxing, of the Moon: from the day the Moon is new to the day it is full.
  • Plant flowering bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below ground during the dark, or waning, of the Moon: from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again.
Old-time farmers swear that this practice results in larger, tastier harvest.
Every couple of days there comes a time which is best used for subjective, spiritual non-material concerns, like prayer, yoga, play, psychotherapy, or passive experience, sleep or meditation.
"This period may last a few seconds, or it may be three days and nights in a single session. "It begins when the Moon in transit makes the last major aspect it will make before it changes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. It ends when the Moon enters the next sign. The name of this period is Void of Course Moon. You may call it a silly season, or vacation from normal living.
 "Decision making in such periods turns out later to be unrealistic. Creativity diverges into unpleasant directions, improvisations, false starts, error. Business moves fail to generate profits, or meet unexpected difficulties. If you buy any object it usually fails of its intended use. "Human judgment is more fallible than usual during the time the Moon is Void of Course. This is the principle factor in all observed experience thus far.
"Routine proceeds readily, but often requires an adjustment later. Defects or shortages come to light. Delay and frustration are commonly experienced while the Moon is Void of Course. "Neurotic tendencies, bad habits are more open to change. ESP experiments show odd results.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

Good Morning Readers!
The Quickening Moon in its Waning Phase reminds us to release and let go to make ready for the coming Spring and the New Moon on the 18th. Today, the moon remains in Capricorn making it a great time to set boundaries in order to establish sound strong structure in our lives. Coincidentally, today is also a planting day a day to plant the seeds of self- love deep within our heart and soul. Just as every plant needs to sink its roots deep into the soil, we must also give our lives structure and a rich  environment in which to grow and flourish. Today focus on releasing negative thoughts and people from your life and fertilize your soul with love with special attention to personal boundaries. Untill tomorrow light and love dear readers. 
Quickening Moon:
February's  moon is known as the Quickening Moon because it is when new life is beginning, but it still lies dormant. It is called the quickening moon because the pregnant animals, who are due in the spring, can begin to feel their unborn quickening. Additionally, the earth is starting to show life again. This is also the month to plan new beginnings. 
Waning Moon:
Between the full moon and the dark moon is the period of Waning moon. Used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing can be performed at this time. 
Capricorn Moon: 
Your happiness and sense of well-being increases when you do things that give you a sense of self-respect. Feeling capable is at the core of your happiness, which is sometimes why when the moon is in Capricorn we  can be focused so much on achievement and ambition. Sometimes Capricorn is called the sign of the manager, which is a reflection of Capricorn’s desire and natural ability to, well, manage; to get the job done and take care of what needs to be taken care of. Capricorn tends to be pretty good at assessing reality and seeing what needs to be done to get from A to B. Managers need to be able to see the bigger picture and plan for the future, not just for today. Capricorn knows the true meaning of the word "conservative:" it’s not about politics, but rather means not expending more than is needed because there is a long way to go.
Planting Day:.
Plant flowering bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below ground during the dark, or waning, of the Moon: from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again.Farmers swear that this practice results in larger, tastier harvest.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

Good Morning Readers! 
Happy Valentines Day! Today the Quickening Moon remains in the waning cycle, The moon will be void-of-course from 10:15 am to 5:24pm when we enter Capricorn just in time for your Valentines Day plans. The Quickening Moon reminds us that the days are getting longer, and hopefully warmer, as Spring is just around the corner. Our Waning Moon encourages us to let go as we draw near to the New Moon and new beginnings. The Moon in Capricorn will give its influence and strength to encourage structure and traditions.Now is a great time to set boundaries in your life or establish rules in relation to your responsibilities and obligations.

Quickening Moon:
The Quickening Moon or Snow Moon or Hunger Moon  are  traditional names for the full moon that occurs in February in North America. Usually this month is a time for snow and cold air temperatures, and this is the reason for the name snow moon. Storm moon, hunger moon, Little Famine moon, and Full Bony moon are other traditional names for this particular full moon.Hunting becomes very difficult, and so some Native American tribes called this the Hunger Moon.Other Native American tribes called this Moon the "Shoulder to Shoulder Around the Fire Moon" (Wishram Native Americans), the "No Snow in the Trails Moon" (Zuni Native Americans), and the "Bone Moon" (Cherokee Native Americans). The Bone Moon meant that there was so little food that people gnawed on bones and ate bone marrow soup.
Waning Moon:
The waning moon is the period time between the three days of the full moon and the three days of the dark moon, the counter balance to the waxing phase. The waning phase is the time for pruning and harvesting growth in our garden, be it physical or spiritual. This phase is the time for banishing those unwanted "things" in our lives, be it the nuisance boyfriend/lover or some bad habit we've developed. The crone shows us the way to the land of the dead during this time of the month. By taking her hand and accepting that some things must die, we are able to grow spiritually
Each sign  of the moon is similar to  a chapter in the book of  your life, and moving through it the Moon is telling a story. When the Moon enters the next sign, it starts a new story. We still remember the old one, but we are not deeply involved in it anymore. Whether we notice it or not, each time the Moon enters the next Sign of the Zodiac, something substantially changes in our life some context or the emotional background of events. Most of the time, we aren't aware of this change because the Moon is strongly connected to our subconsciousness, not to our consciousness. It is the subconsciousness who is deeply aware of the change.
So in each of the signs the Moon starts a new story when it enters the sign, but those stories can have different lengths. Some of them continue for almost the whole two-and-a-half-day period, others are much shorter, but always there is a pause at the end of the story. It can be short or long, but it is always there.That pause at the end of the story is the void-of-course period of the Moon.
The Goat" - Third earth sign in the Zodiac
Ambition, reputation, and status are Capricorn's main concerns. Planets here take on a conservative hue and are expressed in a plan geared towards control and management.Wisdom and steadfast reality provide Capricorn with the ability to make steady progress over the long haul. This a no-nonsense kind of sign, earthy, practical, sensible, materialistic and often ambitious. Capricorn people are good problem solvers  and crisis handlers, inclined to find solutions to problems rather than cry over spilled milk. People born under this sign have a capacity to develop skill in whatever field they chose to undertake.