Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday,March 1st,2015

Good Morning Readers;
The Moon is an important heavenly body. It controls the tides and many other natural systems on our planet.Since the beginning of time, the ancients recognized the moon as a symbol of the changing seasons, and farmers have long since used the moon to guide the cycles of planting and harvest.This months' moon goes by many names, the chaste moon  in honor of the maiden, the time of anticipation and making ready for the Spring  and the fullness and productivity of the Mother.The Worm Moon speaking of the coming spring and the return of the birds. Women, in particular, are often drawn to the moon as we match the 28 day cycle of the moon to our menstrual cycles Additionally, the moons aspects match the cycles of our life as we phase through the Maiden  the Mother and the Crone. This evenings moon is the Waxing Gibbous, it is the maiden phase of the moon  She inspires and illuminates us matching the natural.Witches and pagans draw on her power for lunar magic. We cast our spells in accord with her cycles. She inspires and illuminates us.  She mirrors the stages of our lives: "Maiden", "Mother" and "Crone". She is an ever evolving and changing entity as are we. .As the Wheel of the Moon continues on its never ending course, the moon also travels through the different astrological signs, just as the sun does, only more rapidly. When the moon sides within the various signs, that sign influences the magical aspect of the moon.Our current moon is void-of-course until 6:45 this evening when we will enter Leo.Keep reading for a more detailed explanation of the moon cycles below and till tomorrow ligh and love dear readers and blessed be.  
Chaste Moon: 
Like the Goddess of the Moon Diana, nature is poised - potential about to burst into life all around us. Just as the Goddess has many faces and forms, so can we. The circle dance never ends, only revolves again and again. Thus as the Goddess ever renews her aspect, so can Her children.
This new journey began with the Storm Moon in February by firming our foundations to prepare for change, and now is the time to discover our potential. On the Esbat of the Chaste Moon, we look deep within ourselves to strengthen our foundations ready to plant the seeds of our new lives, and discover what lies there waiting, like the Maiden, to be fulfilled.
Waxing Gibbous:
The waxing gibbous moon happens when the moon is between a 45 and 90 degree angle with respect to the Earth and Sun. So we are seeing more than half of the moon illuminated and less than half in shadow. The word gibbous refers to phases where the moon is more than half illuminated. “Waxing” essentially means growing or increasing in illumination. Each evening, as the moon’s orbital motion, carries it towards the Earth-sun line, we see more of the moon’s day side.Witches find this a time for spells of growing or changing. 
Moon in Leo 
Leo is a complicated sign with many good traits it can be
Generous and warmheartedCreative and enthusiastic
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving

 However, there is a dark side of Leo as well  it can also be ..

Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolera

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