Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

Good Morning Readers:
This evening we remain in the 1st quarter of the waxing moon. Allowing us  to continue the growth of our intentions for the month as we continue to the Full Moon on the 5th of March.  The moon will also enter a void-of-course at 3:43 am. until Friday at 7:50 am when the moon enters Cancer.

Storm Moon
Like most of our moons, the one in March is called a number of names,  depending upon the tradition. You could call it the Sap Moon, the Crust Moon, the Crow Moon, even the Maple Sugar Moon or the Worm Moon.According to lore, the full moon was named for the time of year when robins start to reemerge from where they spent the cold season, tugging at worms in the thawing ground.Though it’s true worms would be more accessible to birds when spring hits, robins actually never leave most places, unlike many birds that do migrate elsewhere for  the winter. The American Robin spends the whole winter in their breeding range,” according to Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology. But because they spend more time roosting in trees and less time in your yard, you’re much less likely to see them.”Much like the robin The Sap Moon and Maple Sugar Moon is so named for the sap for the sap oozing from maple trees  long  considered a sign that spring is about to arrive. 
Of course, the truest mark of spring doesn’t happen until, March 20 at the vernal equinox
Though there’s always a chance for a late season snow storms  (like the ones that could hit parts of the Midwest and Northeast Sunday into Monday), spring is literally right around the corner.
1st Quarter moon:
The First Quarter Moon appears approximately a week after the New Moon.  We might call the First
Quarter Moon, as well as the Last Quarter Moon, “the half Moon,” because the Moon appears cut in half.  It
is not a quarter of a Moon at all in appearance.Every night the Moon rises in the East a little later and the thickness of the Waxing Crescent gets fatter until the shape of the Moon is half a circle. This is the First Quarter, also called by some people the Waxing Half Moon. It is dark on the left and bright on the right.The Waxing First Quarter Moon rises about at noon and sets about at midnight.After that, the Moon kind of starts to look like it is pregnant. It is perfectly round on the right side, but bulged out past half-way on the left. This is the Waxing Gibbous Moon. You can continue to do waxing, drawing, increasing, or growth spells.
Void-of-course motion is the Moon reaches near the end degrees of the zodiac sign that it has been traveling through. From the time, it makes its last aspect or energy connection with another planet is when the void-of-course motion begins. This period of time, today is when you may feel confused or not sure of what direction to go. This void-of-course period can create unexpected results. You may experience delays and frustrations. During this period of time, it is best to avoid making decisions. It will be much easier to just go with the flow of what is around you. If you can avoid shopping, signing contracts or making important decisions during this time, you will avoid difficulties later on. You will save yourself wasted time, money and effort by paying attention to the do's and don'ts of this period of time. Try looking at the list below and experiment for yourself. You will discover that this time period is best for subjective, non-materialistic avenues of involvement and you may feel much more at ease after having this time to ponder and reflect on important decisions that you may need to make.

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