Sunday, February 8, 2015

Good Morning Readers: 
Today we continue in the Waning phase of the Quickening Moon, a time to release in anticipation. The Quickening Moon reminds us that Spring is on its way, even if we may not quite see it yet. The Waning moon is our time of release. 
Today we enter the second day of Libra, the sign of cooperation and balance. Libra is also the sign that favors relationships. 
So for today, take a few moments  to look at your relationships and ask yourself if they are beneficial to you. You may want to decide to end a toxic relationship harnessing the power of the Waning Moon, or you may want to get started on clearing closets for that spring cleaning project. or perhaps take today and reconnect with someone who you've drifted away from. Today is also a great day to cl Love and Light dear readers and I'll see ya tomorrow!
Quickening Moon 
Many call this the month of the Storm Moon, however, it is at this time when the very first seeds begin new life under the remaining snow as is celebrated at Imbolc when the Goddess awakens and the days become warmer and longer. Many of us may still be snowbound yet as the days grow longer and the snow melts we will see the first vestiges of spring as the earth and its inhabitants awaken from the winter's hibernation.Heavy rains and gray skies abound -- the earth is being showered with the life-giving water it needs to have a fertile and healthy growing season. This is also a time of equal parts light and darkness, and so a time of balance.
Waning Moon: 
Between the full moon and the dark moon is the period of Waning moon.Wiccans often use this phase  for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing can be performed at this time. This is the time to clear away the old and make ready for the new. As we move toward a time of renewal in the New Moon,
Moon in Libra:
With the Moon in the sign of Libra, you are likely to have a deep need for peace and harmony in your life. Libra is symbolized by the Scales, relating to any area of life requiring balance. This need extends from your personal environment to your working life, and the relationships you have with others.Libra rules all forms of symmetry, proportion and balance. It represents the underlying patterns through which beauty manifests. today you are likely to be innately aesthetic, in that you are drawn to harmonious or well-balanced environments and art-forms. Because of your need for balance, you are likely to find that chaos does not sit well with you. You will do better in environments that are calm, considered or even zen.

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