Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

giGood Morning Readers;
Happy St. Patricks day to one and all! Today we inch ever closer to the Spring Equinox on Ostara, leaving behind the 3 moons of winter. This is one of my favorite times of the year as I watch closely as the Mother awakes from her long slumber. Day by day, it seems as if life itself is languidly and slowly doing a cat-like stretch and yawn. Small green shoots begin to emerge and each day the trees have more buds if we're lucky we may even see the first tulips beginning to emerge waiting to open their brilliant displays. As we have been talking about the March moon has many names depending upon the culture and region of the area reflecting the important tasks of the tribe or clan, whether it be the Native American Crow or Worm Moon, commemorating the return of morning birds, or the Sap Moon, in honor of the bountiful and sweet treat provided by the Maple trees  of the Vermont areas, all of life is focused on the coming bounty. In this same spirit of expectant anticipation the moon phase is slowly finishing its cycle as we move into a Waning Crescent this is a time to let go, making ready for the goals and intentions of the New Moon on the 20th. The moon will enter void-of-course at 2:18pm today until Wednesday at 6:58 am when it will ease into Pisces. Love and Light readers and until tomorrow, Blessed Be!
Crow Moon or Worm Moon:
Some Native American tribes consider the March moon.People are born in this sign often convey themselves and their ideas easily because of and innate ability to be extremely flexible and adaptable.Native Americans attributed this to the tempestuous transition in which you were born. This gives you a unique alacrity, a moveable mind. This specialized mental condition allows you to communicate with other realms of life - you will be particularly drawn to fire animals and birds because these creatures are fast thinkers. Your lifes' skill is in the realm of helping  others through transition just as the March moon transitions our planet from Winter to Spring. 
waning_crescent_featuredWaning Crescent:
Because the moon is nearly on a line with the Earth and sun again, the day hemisphere of the moon is facing mostly away from us once more. We see only a slender fraction of the moon’s day side: a crescent moon.
Each morning before dawn, because the moon is moving eastward in orbit around Earth, the moon appears closer to the sunrise glare. We see less and less of the moon’s day side, and thus the crescent in the east before dawn appears thinner each day.
The moon, as always, is rising in the east day after day. But most people won’t see this moon phase unless they get up early. When the sun comes up, and the sky grows brighter, the waning crescent moon fades. Now the moon is so near the Earth/sun line that the sun’s glare is drowning this slim moon from view.
Still, the waning crescent is up there, nearly all day long, moving ahead of the sun across the sky’s dome. It sets in the west several hours or less before sunset.
VOC* (void of course) or v/c refers to the period of time between the final aspect that the Moon makes while in one sign until she enters the next sign. This can consist of several minutes or many hours. These periods are best handled with little expectation of accomplishment; times ideally suited for rest and contemplation.
Block off these times in your schedule and avoid making significant decisions or working on important projects during these times. During VOC* Moon, focus on routine tasks. You will be surprised at how this one change will smooth the edges of your life!
Do you have questions about what is appropriate to do or not do during the VOC* moon? A simple way to think about it is to ask a simple question: Do I hope that this activity will amount to something? If the activity does not need to amount to anything go ahead with it! If you have an expectation or desire that this action is going to amount to something, do not do it while the Moon is VOC*. Think about the time you bought a book you were certain you were going to love and you never could finish it! Think about the time you bought the perfect article of clothing that you ended up never wearing; that is the Moon VOC*!

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