I hope your Monday is going well. I am a little bummed about the return of cooler weather this week, but living where I do I should be used to it. This week we will be counting down to the New Moon and the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Until then we remain in the last moon of Winter and as she phases through her fourth and final cycle we are urged to let go and prepare for a new month. The Moon will be void-of-course from 4:02 am to 6:14am when it enters Aquarius.
Lenten Moon
The last full moon of the winter season was also known as the Lenten Moon by settlers the origin possibly deriving from the season of lent.
4th quarter, Waning moon
the Waning Moon is the ideal time for banishing or releasing things. The New Moon is also known as the "Dark Moon" (also known as the “Black Moon.") This is the time of greatest power for banishing negativity and releasing yourself from all that binds you.
Void- of Course:
When the moon is void-of-course expect the unexpected. This is because the moon will be moving between two different signs. This can lasta few seconds, minutes or hours and it can sometimes last a day or two. When the energy is faulty and unexpected, refrain from making decisions because judgment could be faulty because you would be making a decision when all the factors are not known. Do not sign contracts, shop or promise anything during this time. Dont sweat the small stuff, when the moon is "void-of-course" it is better to embrace the spontaneity. It can be plenty of fun if you work it right!
Moon in Aquarius:
The moon continuously moves through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, changing signs every 2-1/2 day, picking up various influences from each of the astrological signs. Good metaphysicians usually take this information into consideration when planning their rituals, as do earth workers (gardeners and farmers.)Aquarius is an Air sign, and so pertains to ideas, concepts and communication. It as relates to the social side of life in terms of the protocol that guides how we interact with each other. Aquarius is also a Fixed sign, which gives qualities of focus, perseverance and endurance.
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